Primark & The Price of Coaching

Price is a funny thing. Often we perceive asking price to be a measure of quality or value. If it's inexpensive - it's poor quality. If the going rate for laser eye surgery is £400 per eye, and you see someone offering it for £200, you might think "Hey, Great!" shortly followed by "Hang on a minute... why are they doing this?" Are they qualified? Are they dangerous or desperate? Why can't they command what others can? Will you trust your eyes to them?

What About My Website?

It's time for me to refresh our main website,, and I'd welcome your thoughts on how. Fairly consistent feedback already in includes:

1. WAY too busy visually
2. Too salesy
3. Far too much content
4. Dislike of all things which blink

So we'll be tackling those. But what else? I'd love to konw what you think. Good and bad. How could the website serve you better? What is missing that you'd like to see? What confuses you or turns you off? What's your favourite colou :o)? Any and all comments are welcome. Just click reply to this email and have at it, or, if you would prefer, use the anonymous feedback form on the website.