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Adult Education

- Going Back

45-minute highly-focussed phone session

About Adult Education

Does the idea or returning to adult education strike fear into your heart? Many people love the idea of going out on cold winter evenings to learn something new and exciting, but they are also terrified, and the fear will usually win.

I know from my coaching practice that many adults feel grim at the prospect of going back to school. Memories of their school experiences the first time round - unpleasant memories - crowd in, and - because of the way our brains work - those memories come with the negative emotions they caused at the time - they tend not to be filtered through your adult intellect - so they are raw, and they carry more power than they should do.

As well as this abject terror, many people contemplating a return to study feel they carry unique debilitating shortcomings which would rule them out as a student. They feel they're no good with maths, or their English - spelling, punctuation or vocabulary is embarrassingly poor, or they may feel that they're just not very clever. All of these perceptions lead these people to shy away from the prospect of a return to education. It spells doom. It will end in tears. It's pointless, futile, and pathetic, they say, and they say it angrily.

The Nature of Fear

But really it's all about fear, which, you may recall from articles elsewhere on the website, stands for:


In other words, the things you fear are mirages - outcomes which are simply not credible. People resist this notion, but it's always true and when I show them in our work together, they often spontaneously laugh out loud. The door just fell open. They were trapping themselves.

Trust me - I Stink

Now at about this point, many of you may be thinking "who is this guy? How can he know what I was like at school? I KNOW - I WAS THERE - AND I STANK AT MATHS - THAT'S A FACT MY MATHS TEACHER CAN ATTEST TO!".

Fair enough. But - you're still wrong!


You probably drive a car, you can walk and talk, you're allowed to vote, you can tie your own shoe laces, and they let you walk the streets alone. That tells me you have a normal intellect, and that tells me you have the apparatus required to learn anything you'd like to as an adult student.

So - what was all the misery about? Were you imagining those years of classroom misery and failed exams? No - but you were set up to fail. That wasn't about stupidity - it was about being taught poorly - perhaps in a huge class - receiving some negative messages about your own competence, internalising them, and then living out the unhappy role you were given.

Teaching, like coaching, is a fine art. There's a tightrope to be walked - between serving the client's intellect and their emotional being. They both need very close attention or negative behavioural loops can become established.

Adult Education
A Tad Stressed?

Where is all this going?

Of course, I'm not trying to tell you your recollections are wrong (though they probably are exaggerated, and over-generalised - sorry!), but I'm saying that you can have a fascinating new life as an adult student, learning new skills and meeting new people. The things which keep you from reaching out and grasping that new opportunity are products of your own mind, and should not be allowed to stop you from growing.

I Can Help

If you're contemplating a return to study after a long break, and you're apprehensive about it, this focus-coaching session is for you. Here's what you can expect:

  • You'll complete a written exercise and submit it to me before our session. I'll be up to speed on your situation ready for our call.
  • We can use the session to explore and dissolve your fears. As well as cognitive analysis (seeing how bizarre your fears really are), I have other techniques to help with managing and controlling fear.
  • If you're not sure what you want to study, we can resolve that in our session. If this is an issue for you, then I'll be sending you another exercise to help us sort this out.
  • If you don't know how to find a course to suit you, I can help.
  • If you need ongoing support to get through the application, enrolment and initial study phases, then further coaching sessions can be arranged at the same rate.
  • If necessary, I can provide supplementary support for you on many study topics

adult student
Happy, Learning, Growing


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About author Chris Wesley

I know a lot about study from all angles. I studied through my honours degree, so I have it covered as a student.

I have an adult teaching qualification and i taught adults and teenagers IT at Bedford College for about three years.

I have been a private tutor, teaching students in many topics and from year 3 to adult, for a couple of years. I've also taught remedial reading.

I qualified with distinctions in the theory and practice of life coaching from Europe's largest training organisation, and I've been employed by that organisation to train their coaches.

I have been running my coaching practice for about five years.

I can bring all of this to bear in helping you to get your tootsies back in the warm pond of exploration which is adult education!

Chris Wesley
Chris Wesley

Adult Education
- Going Back

45-minute highly-focussed phone session
Chris Wesley £60

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